

  • Opening Event: August 11, 2pm - 6pm
  • Show Duration: August 11 - 25

  • Opening Hours:
  • Closed on Monday
  • Open Tuesday - Sunday, 11am - 6pm​
  • Queenie Leung

    The “Legacy” exhibition at Co90 Select Shop is a celebration of the enduring influence of master potter Queenie Leung on her student, Karen Cheung. Queenie, a well-respected figure in the Hong Kong ceramics community, has dedicated over two decades to teaching pottery, shaping the skills and artistic perspectives of countless students. Her bowls are renowned for their timeless elegance and meticulous craftsmanship, each piece a testament to her deep understanding of form and function. This exhibition brings together 100 bowls that reflect her mastery and the legacy she imparts to her students.

  • Karen Cheung

    Karen Cheung, a graduate of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, draws inspiration from the vanishing architectural elements of Hong Kong, such as old iron gates, window grilles, and traditional tiles. Her artist statement highlights her dedication to preserving these nostalgic details through her signature design, “Gates,” which she integrates into her functional ceramics. In this exhibition, visitors will witness how Karen has transformed the foundational techniques learned from Queenie, infusing them with her distinctive artistic vision to create pieces that are both practical and culturally significant.

The Legacy Exhibition

The “Legacy” exhibition at Co90 Select Shop is a celebration of the enduring influence of master potter Queenie Leung on her student, Karen Cheung. Queenie, a well-respected figure in the Hong Kong ceramics community, has dedicated over two decades to teaching pottery, shaping the skills and artistic perspectives of countless students. Her bowls are renowned for their timeless elegance and meticulous craftsmanship, each piece a testament to her deep understanding of form and function. This exhibition brings together 100 bowls that reflect her mastery and the legacy she imparts to her students.

Tradition and Innovation

The bowls in the “Legacy” exhibition showcase a fascinating dialogue between tradition and innovation. While Queenie’s influence is evident in Karen’s work, Karen has pushed the boundaries of what she has learned, incorporating her love for Hong Kong’s fading heritage. This blend of legacy and contemporary interpretation highlights the evolution of ceramic art across generations. The exhibition invites viewers to appreciate the subtleties of this teacher-student relationship and the beautiful continuity of artistic expression that it fosters.

The Beauty of Conscious Consumption

The beauty of conscious consumption lies not in the number of items we own or the brands that define us by societal standards. Particularly with home goods, each item we choose should resonate with us on a personal level. Handmade ceramics, like the pieces in this exhibition, invite us to form a unique bond with the creator, making each piece a cherished ‘friend’ in our home.