2021 Co90 Ceramic Popup Gallery Market

2021 Co90 Ceramic Popup Gallery Market

Co Ninety, a local hidden lifestyle shop, is presenting its first ceramic-focused pop-up gallery this Christmas, as part of their Made in 852 project.

Starting December 4, Co Ninety is collaborating with local potters to bring you a 22 day long Christmas bazaar. The potters are with average more than 10 years of experiences and they came from various background. You may see their work varies from one another due to their diverse background. Some aim for symmetry, some like to experiment on contemporary, some share Hong Kong culture in their piece, some come with a twist of Japanese artisan.

One of their shop-keeper or CEO (Chief Entertainment Officer) as he preferred, is a super friendly Yorkshire Terrier. The others from their team decided to make this Christmas about him and his other fur-friends who are in need. Co Ninety is going to show their support and raise awareness on the subject of animal welfare through this event.

Christmas is a give back season. Co Ninety humbly wants to take the lead and inspire their friends and communities on this virtue of Christmas. They are going to dedicate portion of their sales in December to an animal welfare focused organization, Big Tree Animal Sanctuary and Adoption Center ("Big Tree"). Beside monetary support, Co Ninety will set up pick up point for customer to donate food for Big Tree brining a Christmas feast to their fur-friends.

Definitely drop by this December to mingle with their CEO, and learn a bit more about local ceramic work and local animal welfare work.

About Co Ninety

Co Ninety is a local cozy, tucked-in and hidden lifestyle shop located right next to the bustling streets of Wan Chai and Admiralty. Their motto 'bringing people together' stems from the desire to build a community where conversations can be started, ideas can be shared, and most importantly, positive vibes can be spread. A community project they have been working on called Made in 852 is a platform for local artists to promote their work. The large number of people in Hong Kong who appreciate local artist work which inspired them to keep things moving.

About Big Tree Animal Sanctuary and Adoption Center

Big Tree is an animal shelter in Kam Tin providing a caring home and medical attention to homeless animals. Their name Big Tree is symbolizing that they are a big tree providing shelter and care for the stray cats and dogs that have been hit by the wind and rain to their shade.

Co Ninety是一間售賣精選家品及生活用品的本地小店。今個12月Co Ninety將聯同多位本地藝術家,於灣仔店舉辦第一次以陶瓷為主題的活動延續他們Made in 852的計劃。

由12月4日開始, Co Ninety 將與本地陶藝家合作舉辦一個為期22天的聖誕活動。參與的陶藝家來自不同的背景, 他們平均擁有超過 10 年制作陶藝的經驗,他們的工藝和作品各有特色,有些會在作品中融入香港文化特色,有些則帶有日本工匠的色彩。

他們其中一位小店長是一隻友善好動的約瑟嗲利, Co Ninety其他團員決定今個聖誕為他和他的毛孩朋友盡一點力。 他們將會在 12 月以一連串行動去支持並宣揚大家對毛孩的認識。

聖誕節是一個喜慶節日,大家會和身邊的人分享喜悅,聖誕節亦是一個好好的機會去關懷社會弱小的一群。 Co Ninety 也希望藉着這個機會和大家分享這個開心的時刻和聖誕精神,他們決定將 12 月部分收益捐贈給本地動物福利的組織 大樹下善待動物庇護站(“大樹下”)。除了捐款之外, Co Ninety也會設立一個收集站,收集各位善長捐出的食物,讓毛孩也有一個聖誕大餐!

記得12月要到Co Ninety和他們的小店長打個招呼,欣賞一下本地不同陶瓷製作和支持關注毛孩的組織!


About Co Ninety

Co Ninety 位於灣仔和金鐘之間,是一間身處橫街窄巷售賣精選家品及生活用品的本地商店。他們的格言是”bringing people together”希望可以成立一個社區令大家可以凝聚一起,分享正能量。他們其中一個頂目「Made in 852」,為本地藝術家提供一個推廣作品的平台. Co Ninety很高興在香港找到許多藝術知音人,這激勵了他們更進一步推廣本地藝術作品。

About Big Tree Animal Sanctuary and Adoption Center


Feel Free to download the images on our google drive:


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